Courses leading to B.A., B.Sc., M.A. and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree
The thirty departments and three centers at Cotton University offer bach- elors, masters, diploma and doctoral study programs in a wide range of disci- plines. The courses oered encompass all the commonly encountered areas in Sciences, Language, Literature and Linguistics, Humanities, Social Sciences and Earth Sciences. The course content is at par with the internationally accepted standards and continuous eort is made to keep it updated and rel- evant to the student community at large. Research programs are also oered by a number of departments of the university for the students to pursue their Ph.D. or M. Phil. degree. Research groups here are performing research in a variety of contemporary topics to generate knowledge and provide credible solutions pertaining to issues of the community and humankind at large.
Course leading to B.A. degree in Liberal Arts
In addition to the conventional study programs, the university also oers new courses that are expected to open unexplored avenues for the students. One such program is the new B.A. in Liberal Arts, which is a three-year Bachelor's Degree program, rst of its kind in Assam and Northeast India. This could be a futuristic substitute for monochromatic B.A. programs existing in most Higher Education Institutions in India. Cotton University envisions itself as a pioneering National Educational Institute that oers Liberal Arts under a public education system, in accordance with the norms and regulations of the UGC. B.A. in Liberal Arts oers students the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects while developing specialized knowledge in their major discipline. It offers a better curricular exibility demolishing currently prevalent rigid boundaries in traditional B.A. degree. Students will take up foundation courses in the rst and second semesters of the program. A student will choose any four subjects as foundation courses from a given pool of diverse subjects across disciplines such as English, Economics, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Education, Statistics, Sociology, Geography and Environmental Science. A degree in Liberal Arts would open up a plethora of career options and a student can branch out into di erent careers such as academics, managing foreign a airs and embassies, policy research and development, health care administration, social work, civil services, client servicing, marketing, banking and a lot more. With a Liberal Arts degree, a student can assume various roles such as translator/ interpreter, technical writer, economist, sociologist, psychologist, human resources specialist, Public Relations specialist and many more.
B.A. degree program for sports persons
Considering the busy schedule and inability of sports persons to enroll themselves in regular curriculum for studies, Cotton University has introduced B. A. degree program for sports persons. The program is designed for outstanding sportpersons to encourage them in pursuing general higher education without hampering their sports career. This 120 credit undergraduate course follows a mentorship model with enough exibility to complete the assigned courses with convenient scheduling via interaction with students. Any candidate who has passed higher secondary or equivalent (10+2) examination from a recognized board or council with pro ciency in sports at the national or international level can make use of this lucrative opportunity at this university.
M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, in their attempt to keep up with the growing demand of the subject and their zeal to provide quality education and training in the most recent topics, are offering Master of Science in Arti cial Intelligence (M.Sc. in A.I. & M.L.) program. The objective of the M.Sc. in A.I. & M.L. program is to train the students to meet the challenges of the Software Industry and R&D Sector with computational techniques. This is a 4-semester course with lateral entry/exit options at the end of 1 year. As per the New Education Policy (NEP-2020) guidelines, students who will complete 1 year course will be eligible for Certificate program and students who will complete 2 years of this course will be eligible for degree program. This would open up new horizons for the students pursuing computer science to meet the ever-expanding needs of this industry.