Placement and Career Counseling Cell


"The world is your oyster, it's only a matter of tapping into your potential"

Aims and Objectives

  • To enhance the employability of the students of Cotton University .
  • To develop overall personality of the students through excessive grooming and skill development .
  • To provide career counseling and higher education facilities.
  • To build an ecosystem for entrepreneurship skill development of the students for self-employability .
  • To collaborate with different institutions and organizations for skill enhancement programs and professional trainings.
  • To bring opportunities across disciplines for placements and other professional engagements.

Since inception, the Placement and Career Counseling Cell (PACCC) of Cotton University has been conducting many career oriented, self- development, soft skills, communication and other skill development training sessions from time to time to enhance the overall personality, proficiency and employability of the students of this University. PACCC also focuses on the entrepreneurship development in the campus. Campus placement drives and Internship programs are also undertaken by.

We are Here for You

Cotton University encourages its students to undertake internship with various organisations to garner first-hand experience of the corporate world or a work environment. The syllabi of several departments of the university requires its students to join institutes and organisations as interns for a duration of one month. It allows to engage students in productive short-term assignments as well as preparing them for future placement offers.

Placement Grooming Session

The PACC Cell conducts a series of grooming sessions for its final year students for their all-round development. The organised sessions aim to hone the soft skills (communication skills, teamwork, decision-making, problem-solving skills, etc.) of the students. The sessions focus on grooming the students for better placement opportunities and enhance their prospects of employability.

Meet the Alumni

With over 120 years of its existence, Cotton University, erstwhile Cotton College, has a strong base of notable alumni all over the globe. The PACC Cell organises interactive sessions with alumni from varied fields to offer the students an opportunity to understand the challenges and opportunities involved.

The PACC Cell, with our career-driven students in mind, have prepared a Google Form for the students, which will effectively enable the aptitude and interests of the students to be gauged. It helps to channel the students in those directions and guide them in honing their skills. Students across various streams and disciplines are provided with an opportunity to interact and express their career concerns.

Based on their interests, the students across all streams and disciplines are divided into clusters or pools of specific interests. Workshops, webinars, seminars, and interactive sessions with industry expertsand events – catering to their interests – are organised at regular intervals. As part of the effort, PACC Cell collaborates with NGOs to highlight social work as a viable career option. It provides the students with the much-needed exposure.The PACC Cell also conducts counselling sessions for students seeking job opportunities.Job fairs, campus interviews are conducted regularly for the final year students.

All Things Science and Technical

Owing to the advancement in technology, the avenues for students of Science stream has widened, transcending the limits of Engineering and Medical Science courses.Scientific innovations and technological revolutions have provided ample prospects and opportunities for seasoned as well as aspiring researchers. The huge ground-breaking leaps taken in the diversebranches of Science have resulted in a work environment that is not only dynamic but also rewarding. Whether it is a fellowship, internship or a training programme, PACC Cell has covered all the bases for our students. An extensive list of upcoming opportunities has been provided, keeping in tune with the latest and the current in the respective fields. Take a look, visit their website for more details and take an informed decision:

  • National Initiative on Undergraduate Sciences at HBCSE-TIFR

  • Science Outreach and Fellowship Programmes at JNCASR

  • Visiting Student Research Programme at TIFR

  • Summer Research Fellowship Programme at IAS

  • IISER Summer Research Program
  • Summer Training conducted by NCL (CSIR)

  • Students-Undergraduate Research Graduate Excellence (SURGE) at IIT-Kanpur

  • Summer Research Project conducted by Networking Resource Centre School of Chemistry at University of Hyderabad

The Arts and the Aesthetics

Students from the field of Humanities and Social Sciences are known for being socially and politically aware. The interdisciplinary approach that they are trained toadopt,enables them to seamlessly navigate the terrain of other disciplines. Due to their integrative training, students from Humanities and Social Sciences prove to be an asset for employers seeking a dynamic and well-rounded employee with a deeper understanding of human behaviour and interchanges. This quality gives them an edge and proves to be valuable for their career in the fields such as:

  • Broadcast and Print Journalism
  • Anchoring
  • Editing and Publication
  • Advertising and PR
  • Event Management
  • Content Creating
  • Copywriting
  • Museum Exhibit Curating
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Social Service
  • Counselling
  • Research and Academics

Currently the Department of Mass Communication, Journalism and Media Studies require its UG 5thSemester and PG 3rd Semester batches to undertake internship with various media organisations, PSUs, NGOs, etc. The Centre for Gender Studies too have sent their PG Diploma batch for internships with various research institutes, NGOs, etc.

Take a Step Ahead, Get the Ball Rolling