Rules & Regulations
Reading Room
- Any person desiring to make use of reading room facility may be admitted at the discretion of the Librarian.
- Books and journals requisitioned by the members shall be issued on presentation of a requisition slip duly filled in and handed over to the person- in charged, who shall thereafter procure the same for the member.
- A person found mutilating the pages of a book or a periodical or otherwise damaging them shall have to make good the loss and he/ she shall be debarred from the use of the library in future.
Damage or Loss of Books
- Every member taking a book out of the library and every Reader within the library shall be responsible for its safe custody and shall return it to the library.
- In the event of book being lost or damage, he/ she shall either replace it or pay not less than 3 time cost of the books he/ she shall be required to pay such compensation as Librarian may think proper.
- Reader shall not write on the book, damage, tear off pages or make any mark either with pencil or in ink, on any book, manuscript, or map, belonging to the library. He/ she shall not erase any mark or stamp of the library on any book, manuscript or map belonging to the Library. Any reader observing such things done by any person shall bring it to the notice of the Librarian immediately.
- No tracing and no copy of any map or manuscript shall be done without express permission of the Librarian.
- In case of a book belonging to a set or series is lost or damage by a member/ reader and a new volume is not separately available, the whole set or series shall have to be replaced by the borrower/ reader.
- Before leaving the counter the borrower should immediately point out any mutilations in the book to Library Assistant on duty or otherwise the borrower shall be held responsible for replacement of the book or payment of such compensation as may be fixed by the Librarian.
It is the duty of the Library Assistant on duly at the counter to examine each book returned by a member and to check if it is mutilated or damaged and if any, bring it to the notice of the Librarian immediately.
General Rules
- A person entering the library shall record his/ her name, membership number & address in the register maintained for the purpose at the entrance counter.
- While entering the library, all personal belongings shall be deposited with the Attendant at the property counter and a numbered token obtained in lieu thereof. This facility for depositing personal belonging at the check counter can be enjoyed only for the period the depositor is in the library.
- All reasonable care for the safe custody of the articles will be taken. The administration shall not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss for the same.
- If a token issued to a reader/ member for depositing his/ her belonging at the gate counter is lost, he/ she will have to pay towards its replacement cost.
- Taking chewing pan, spitting, eating food, sleeping, smoking or any behaviour to disturb other readers or the discipline of the library is strictly prohibited.
- Dogs and other pets shall not be taken in by member or visitors. Vehicles should be kept at the vehicles stand only.
- The Librarian shall have the power to suspend the use of the ticket and card of any member or to refuse admission to any one, infringing any rules of the library and/ or to suspend or cancel the use of the Borrower’s ticket and Reading Room card of any member.
- Students are debarred from accessing social networking site like facebook, twitter etc.